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Keep your hips, hip:

Writer's picture: Nicole TodiscoNicole Todisco

The hip joint is similar to the shoulder in that the ball and socket structure allows for many degrees of freedom, meaning lots of movement! The hip can flex (bend: think knee to chest), extend (think kicking backward), internally rotate, externally rotate, abduct (kick to the side), and adduct (bring towards the other leg). The hip is very stable due to the depth of the socket (acetabulum) and the surrounding connective tissues.

The most common area of the body we get asked about on social media is the hip! Folks constantly reach out, looking for mobility drills to loosen up hips that feel perpetually tight. Limited hip range of motion is widespread, often due to prolonged sitting and lack of accessing all of the available planes and ranges of motion to the hip. However, we see limited hip strength just as frequently as limited hip mobility. When working to keep your hips hip, it is critical to address limitations in both mobility and strength. Accomplish this by spending 10-15 mins per day on mobility, aim to go for daily walks (ideally 10,000 steps per day), and try to incorporate strength training movements three times per week.

Anatomy: Click the link for a video intro of the basic anatomy of the hip! The primary bony structures of the hip joint are:

  • Femur (thigh bone)

  • Pelvis

  • Other pelvic region bones are the sacrum and coccyx

Muscles in the region and their function:

  • Anterior (front of the body) Hip Muscles: Hip flexors

    • Psoas Major

    • Psoas Minor

    • Iliacus

    • Pectineus

    • Quadriceps: 4 muscles that work as knee extensors

      • Rectus femoris

      • Vastus lateralis

      • Vastus medialis

      • Vastus intermedius

  • Posterior (back of the body) Hip Muscles: extensors

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Hamstrings: 3 muscles that work as knee flexors

      • Semitendinosus (flexor and internal rotator)

      • Semimembranosus (flexor and internal rotator)

      • Biceps Femoris (flexor and external rotator)

  • Lateral hip muscles: Abdcutors

    • Glute Medius

    • Tensor Fascia Latae

  • Inner thigh muscles: Adductors

    • Adductor Magnus

    • Adductor Longus

    • Adductor Brevis

    • Gracilis

    • Pectineus

  • Hip external rotators

    • Glute Max

    • Gemellus Superior

    • Gemellus Inferior

    • Obturator Externus

    • Obturartor Internus

    • Quadratus Femoris

    • Piriformis

  • Other muscles in this region:

    • Glute Min: internal rotator

    • Gracilis: a flexor and internal rotator of the knee

    • Sartorius: a flexor and internal rotator of the knee


Click HERE to view the workout in action and learn more!

If you have questions about your hips or want to learn more, reach out, we are here to help!

Helping you live and feel your best, Nicole and the OMPT team Want workouts specific to your activity? Reach out for a customized plan.

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